Monday, June 28, 2010

In Honor of Father's Day

Fathers Day has come and gone, but I wanted to take a moment and acknowledge the wonderful father Elise has. Some of Wes and Elise's favorite activities to do together are sing and dance. Elise has recently started really enjoying singing - especially songs from Wizard of Oz. I know Wes loves that Elise does in fact like music and can already carry a tune better than I can.

One of Wes' great parenting characteristics is that he has a high standard for Elise while still showing her plenty of grace. I think this will be an incredibly important attribute as Elise gets older and is faced with hard decisions of obedience, making good choices, and loving and caring for others well. She'll know that her daddy expects her to be the best version of herself she can be, but that if she doesn't make a good choice, she will still always be loved unconditionally.

Enjoy a few pictures of Elise and Wes spending life together....

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1 comment:

Nana said...

Love this post! Makes me proud & thankful Wes is a wonderful Christian father to Elise!! (And thankful Elise has a beautiful Christian mother as well)!!! Love you all so much!