Friday, June 18, 2010


Wes and I had the chance to get away just the two of us last weekend - some refreshing time away before Lilah June arrives. It was our final travel after about six weeks of straight travel! Elise went to Fort Wayne for the weekend, and Wes and I headed to Columbus, OH. Why Columbus, Ohio? Well, it is a long story (ask Wes), but we had a free night stay there.

We actually really love Columbus - it is a fun town - it has the fun of a college town, but more to offer since it is a bit bigger (but not too big). It actually became a bit comical how many people we ran into with ties to IU. Plus, we randomly met another couple who also work in in college career development - very small world!

Wes and I were both surprised that we did miss Elise a little bit, but there was one time she definitely wasn't missed - mealtime! We had some great food in Columbus and were able to sit and enjoy it. Our typical meals at home feel so rushed - I'm up and down a minumum of five times getting things for Elise. Our conversations are interrupted by our talkative little girl. But, our meals in Columbus were leisurely, relaxed, and delicious!

So, in my opinion, all the pictures of Wes and I make me look ENORMOUS, so here's a nice one that just has our heads. The others are some of Wes' artistic shots, including the adorable duck family we saw and from our garden walk (Wes was a great sport to go on the garden walk with me.)

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Nana said...

Thanks for sharing Elise with us last weekend. . .we had alot of fun. Glad your weekend away was fun for you too!! Love you!!!

Rita said...

BTW. . .you look beautiful!!!