Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lilah's 1/2 Year Birthday

One of Lilah's classic expressions - we see this one a lot
 I remember when I was a child, asking my mom, did she ever get bored being alive so long. She told me that time seemed to go faster the older you get. How right she was! I can hardly believe we've had Lilah for six months, half a year, already. 
Lilah's been busy this last month. She has mastered sitting up, as you can see in the picture. She sprouted her two front, bottom teeth. And she is fully into eating solids. She's had sweet potatoes, apples, and green beans so far. This week, we plan to try avocado and pear. Thanks to all who have provided baby food making advice - it is actually pretty easy and even kinda fun.
And, I am happy to say, last night Lilah slept fully through the night - 7:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. She has done that before, but not in a long time. Now, that definitely doesn't mean she'll do it again any night soon, but it sure was nice to have a night of uninterrupted sleep.
Lilah continues to be such a sweet, happy, incredibly smiley part of our lives. We just love her to pieces!
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1 comment:

Nana said...

What a sweet picture. Wow 6 months old already. . .give both girls big hugs from their Nana! Love you all!!