Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sunny Day at the Park

It was a beautiful day in Bloomington, so Elise and her buddies from play group hit the park. I would have love to get more pictures of Elise with the other kids, but at this age, each kid is running a different direction. I did get one cute one of Elise and her best bud "Bacca" (i.e. Rebekah) hugging. I was so mad when I got home, though, and realized that this adorable picture of Elise on the swing is actually blurry. I had the camera set on the "sport" setting and everything. I MUST get a better camera. I don't think I want one of the really fancy ones with the long lense and everything. I just don't think I'd use it. I need something that I can throw in my purse and go, but it needs to take better pictures!

On another note, this has been an amazing week for my dear friends, Chris and Tamara Fladung. After two long years, their prayers (and many others' on their behalf) have been answered, and in a whirlwind two days, now are the parents of a beautiful two year old named Isabel Faith. If you want to hear more about their story, click on "Fladung Family Fun".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the hugging picture. What a cutie pie =)