Monday, July 14, 2008

And she's off....

There is never a dull moment in babyland. In the last week, Elise has acquired two new skills. First, she has learned to pull up. I went into her crib one day and found her standing! Ahh! I was shocked. This picture is a reenactment - I tried to walk out of the room to get the camera when it actually happened, but Elise wasn't too pleased with that.

The other skill Elise learned is crawling. It is still pretty messy, but it is definitely a crawl. I took this video on the camera, so it doesn't have any sound. You can't tell in the video, but she is trying to get to the dogs. They keep moving to keep her away.Posted by Picasa

These last two are just pictures I thought were cute. She's such a ham!

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