Monday, November 19, 2012

Elise's Letter - Five Years


How can it be that you are five?! It was amazing watching you grow and learn this year. You always impress me with your sharp mind, your keen memory, and your ability to figure things out. You have taken to makth, you love to be read to, and I am trying to teach you to read.

Above all else, you are a social girl. you like your social calendar to be full, and ask me frequently, "Who will be there?" when I tell you our plans. You have very special friend who you love dearly, but you get along with absolutely everybody and are eager to relate to others by liking what they like. Because of your desire to please others, decision-making is difficult for you. If you realize your opinion is different from the rest, you will change it to be like others. Even if you sense that your choice is different than mine or Daddy's, you will change to accomodate us. It is a sweet quality, but I also want you to learn to be confident in your own opinion and choices. (You'll be able to learn this form Lilah - she has this down :). And she will learn to be accomodating through you.)

Speaking of Lilah, you are a wonderful big sister to her. You play very nicely with her, and are eager for her to wake from her nap, so you can get to playing. The two of you have very different personalities, which can clash at times, but there is a deep bond between you as well. It is my constant prayer that you will be great friends and advocates for each other as you grow.

You are a girl full of ideas. Sometimes you ask me to do three different things in one minute because your mind is racing with the possibilities. You often lead play because you have a lot of imaginative ideas of what you can do. We are working on asking others what they would like to do rather than assuming they are up for your idea, and you are doing a great job at this!

Your understanding of Jesus grows daily, and you love to talk about what it means to love Jesus. You have received a wonderful Christian education at Faith Lutheran. Because of your great memory, you remember pretty much all of the Bible stories.

You continue to be a super-clumsy kid (you fell backwards into the bathtub this week), but you are very tough and rarely get legitimately hurt. You are funny, insightful, smart, and caring. You are easy going and easy to please. Just like your daddy, you are a great balance to my personality, which makes mothering you so much fun!

Right now, these are some things you love:
Dance parties with Daddy
Taylor Swift
Fresh Beat Band
Crafting with Mommy (or Steph)
Reading, stories, theatre, movies, tv (anything with a story)
Fashion dolls
Disney princesses
Academic 'fun' work - figuring out puzzles, mazes, word games, etc.

I just love being your mom, Elise! Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Nana said...

Happy Birthday to our sweet Elise! Amazing that she is "5"!!! Love her SO MUCH!!!!!