Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Fun!

I had to take a blogging hiatus - our computer had a major virus that had us down for a week or two. But we're back! We've been busy enjoying the holiday season. Elise had her first preschool Christmas program. Oh my goodness, nothing cuter that 20 3-5 year olds singing! Well, the parents and grandparents all poised with cameras and videos were pretty cute, too.

Last weekend we traveled to central Illinois to visit Wes's grandma. It was such a nice trip. The girls loved Great Grandma Z's house, and they got to play with three of their second cousins, which was very special. Elise was especially taken with her Great Grandma and enjoyed helping her make Jello! Sadly, we forgot our camera, so don't have any pictures to share.

We've been up to other Christmas fun as well - enjoy the pictures!

Lilah is ready to watch Elise sing, so long as she has her goldfish crackers

Getting ready to sing

Two of Elise's preschool buddies - Adeline and Molly - these three have been together at school since their one year birthdays

Elise loves helping bake... and eat the Christmas goodies!

Got to meet and pet a reindeer at the Wonderlab - "Look Mom, there's a reindeer behind me!"

Petting the reindeer!

Petting the Arctic Hare

Watching the Christmas music/light show at a local church

The light show - it was pretty impressive!
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