Sunday, September 23, 2007

Wes and I had a nice trip home to Fort Wayne to visit Wes's parents - our last trip not being parents ourselves! It was a beautiful weekend, and we enjoyed apple pciking, watching football, and picking up a few items for the baby (stroller, car seat, and changing table). Of course, these purchases are much more exciting to me than to Wes. When we got back to Bloomington the crib bedding I ordered had arrived as well. I'm ready to get the room designated as a nursery looking like one!

My doctor appointments are now every two weeks, so I have one tomorrow morning. They are relatively uneventful, but their frequency means I am getting closer, so I don't object. While being pregnant is an amazing experience, the backaches and discomfort seem to be increasing, so I'll be pleased to be finished when it is time. Elise is around four pounds and 17 inches by now, so she is taking up her fair share of room in my mid-section!

We continue to be on waiting lists for daycare - that is one thing that I would love to have all sorted out before Elise arrives. Pray for openings! Wes and I have child birth class on Saturday. While I've been doing a lot of reading, I am sure it will be eye-opening.

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