We had a fun Fourth of July in Fort Wayne. Elise had so much fun with her grandparents. On the 4th, we went to an nearby animal rescue. Elise was a little timid about the animals, but warmed up to the idea as we were there longer. She enjoyed feeding the miniature ponies - I enjoyed feeding the animals as well, as you can tell.
Probably the most incredible story was one of the two chimps had served a butler for a family. It would greet guests and get them beverages. It even enjoyed drinking beer and smoking. But, one day it lost its temper and threw the refridgerator across the room, so the family rethought their decision. Crazy!
Elise also had a milestone while we were there - she asked to use the toilet (less eloquently) and did so successfully! I tell you, this girl is going to potty train herself.
Elise immediately fell asleep in the car as we headed back to Bloomington on Sunday. When she woke up, she said, "Moon, Nana, Papa J". I think she said "moon" because she saw a cloud out the window and thinks they are the same thing. She must have also been having sweet dreams about her grandparents :).