So, Erin usually does most of the writing, but I wanted to throw out my 2 cents once again. Today, we had another appointment with the lady that I call doctor, but Erin claims is not. Apparently, she's a midwife. Unfortunately, this was the first appointment that I had to miss. Everything is going great! Erin is just the right size (the photo to the left is from week 26), and Elise is growing right on schedule.
Recently, the idea of fatherhood has begun to set in more and more. Over the past month and a half, I can think of 2 fairly emotional experiences I have had. A few weeks ago I went to see the movie Knocked Up with my friend Todd. Now you may be asking yourself how a movie titled "Knocked Up" can evoke any emotion but laughter. Well, sparing the details, a couple gets pregnant, due to some interesting circumstances, and a baby is born. When the baby (girl) arrives, this silly, at times vulgar, comedy turns slightly dramatic. As I was watching the father hold his newborn daughter in his arms, while Loudon Wainwright music played, I put myself in his place. I imagined the moment that Elise would arrive into this world and I would first look into her eyes. I got a little overwhelmed, and my eyes got a tad misty in the middle of the movie theater, which for me is a VERY unusual occurrence. I immediately went home and downloaded the soundtrack so that I could play the music for Elise, in and out of the womb.
I had a similar experience a couple of weeks ago while visiting our friends Kim and Randy in the hospital. Their daughter, Rebekah had just been born, and I had the opportunity to hold her. She placed her fragile, infant daughter in my arms, and from the moment on, I was unable to take my eyes off of her. At that moment, I realized that we would be in this same hospital, experiencing all of the same joys, in a few short months. In my mind, Rebekah transformed into Elise, and I saw my daughter. It was almost as if I was holding my own daughter and filled with an overwhelming sense of joy and nervousness. It was a surreal moment that for a split second, brought everything into perspective.
Day by day, I'm becoming ready to be a father... I think. I have so many friends that have had children and passed on advice, that I feel like I know what's coming. But, another part of me realizes that I have absolutely no idea how my life is about to change. There are so many emotions swirling about in my head, but the best way to explain my feelings is that I am so excited, and at the same time terrified.