Welcome friends and family to Wes and my blog! We've had several friends keep blogs through their pregnancy and really enjoyed getting to read about their journey. Many of the people who are most special to us are far away, so we're excited to share with you this way.
It all began when....
In February, Wes and I decided it was time to move to a new house. We can be rather impulsive decision makers, so we put our house for sale and, much to our surprise, it sold in two weeks! So, we found ourselves homeless. Luckily, we found our new home almost as quickly as we sold the last. The only catch was that we couldn't move in for a month. So, Wes, me, and our two dogs moved back into the Simmons household - and they thought they were emptynesters! They had a house full! But, it turned out to be a wonderful month - a great time for bonding with our parents.
Were you planning to have a baby?
This is the big question we keep encountering. Let's just say it was somewhere in between spontaneity and a plan. Remember, we make impulsive decisions - thus far these decisions have worked out for us, and I can't fathom that our new baby will be different!
So, how's pregnancy?
I'm wrapping up my 13th week of pregnancy. Wes is very happy that I can stay up for a whole day now (instead of taking two naps a day!) I don't think I was the best company there for awhile. In the last two weeks, the morning sickness and dizzyness has subsided, so as those who have gone before me say, I'm in the honeymoon trimester. We've visited the doctor's office twice so far and heard the baby's heartbeat both times. Baby is a squirmer for sure, so I'm predicting a little Wes - a ball of energy! Right now the baby is the size of a jumbo shrimp! Wes and I enjoy gettting our weekly updates of the baby's size and development from babycenter.com. We always laugh at the food item to which Baby is compared.