Sunday, May 30, 2010

Vacation - Round 2

Here are some pictures and a video from our most recent vacation with my parents and brother and sister-in-law. We travelled to Destin, FL. Elise did great in the car, and we had terrific weather. Elise would get in the pool and not get out for hours. Thank goodness for water wings - they gave her a lot of freedom to paddle around the water without being held the whole time.

While there, Wes and I celebrated our nine year anniversary. My parents graciously watched Elise, so we could enjoy a night out just the two of us. Josh and Rachel teased us for our early dinner (reservations at 6), but we've gotten used to eating early with Elise. We also enjoyed a nice walk on the beach together.

Pregnancy is moving right along - I look and feel huge (see picture below). Definitely getting to the point where I can tell I wear out easily. I pretty much have given up holding Elise - she's just too heavy sitting on my belly. Lilah has gotten very active. I head to the doctor tomorrow for a check-up, which is happening every two weeks now. If the time wasn't slipping by quickly, going to the doctor every two weeks makes it go even quicker. I'm 31 weeks now, and I believe at 35 or 36 weeks, I start going every week. It actually seems a little excessive to me, but I'm not a medical professional.

Enjoy the video of Elise paddling around the pool. I'll post one of her at the beach soon.

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Shauna said...

I love the picture on the beach. And you look beautiful!

Hillary Redden said...

You are getting so close! I can't believe it. You look great! Hope you aren't too uncomfortable these last several weeks.

Nana said...

Elise did great swimming with her water wings!! Glad you had a great vacation. See you soon.

Tamara said...

you look beautiful, erin! i think i'm about a week behind you and i'm totally at that whole 'i feel and look huge' point as body seems to have had no problem at all remembering exactly how to expand! (at an increasing rate this time around! :) ). love and miss you lots!!!