Monday, March 1, 2010

February Happenings

Elise's allergy testing was definitely traumatic on both her and me, possibly the nurses, too. Initially, one nurse came in. After about 30 seconds, she said, "Let me go get another nurse." That nurse came in and said the same thing. In the end, we had five nurses plus me holding Elise down. I'm certain she was more scared than anything! The nurses at the peds office really have the worst job. We love Elise's doctor, but she gets to just do the fun stuff. The nurses have to do all the needle-related duties.... It hardly seems fair. We should know by the end of the week if she is allergic to peanuts or shellfish. Here's a picture from right after we got home from the doctor's office.
The rest of the pictures are our more happy-go-lucky Elise. Even she is craving Spring - she "went to the beach" in our foyer the other day and yesterday had me take her outside to blow bubbles.

Wes brought home some mustache stickers, so she put them on her and Scooby - her Build-a-Bear dog from Nana and Papa J. You can't see Scooby's mustache, but it was pretty funny.

And this is just one of those rare, Elise is smiling and looking at the camera at the same time pictures.
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1 comment:

Nana said...

She is growing up so fast. . .that last picture she looks like a little girl!! Love the moustache picture too. Hope the allergy testing comes back negative. . .not a pleasant experience to have her blood drawn :( !!!! Hugs!