Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow, snow go away!

I really shouldn't complain about the snow - I know others have it far, far worse than we do in Indiana. But, I won't lie - I am longing for Spring. I'm starting to get antsy from being inside too much, which means I'm tackling projects like closet cleaning. It makes Wes a little antsy when I get on an organization streak.

So here are the Elise anticdotes fro the week - I have to write these down here so that I'll have them to share with Elise when she's older - it is amazing how quickly I forget. Sometimes Wes will come home from work and I'll say, "Elise said the cutest thing, but I can't remember what it is."

At the car wash - Now, I kind of tortured my daughter because I know she doesn't like the car wash, but it needed cleaning and she was in the car, so she didn't get a choice. I was trying to play the car wash up like a fun adventure, so Elise said to me, "This is not my favorite adventure, Mommy!" Apparently, when I don't like something, I say it isn't my favorite - I guess she picked that up.

The other night while eating dinner, Elise said to me, "Mmm. This food is good, Mommy." Not only was it adorable; it was a huge compliment - I'm not known as the chef around the house, but I've been doing a lot of cooking since Elise eats what we eat now - have to have well-balanced meals. If I'm being honest though, when Elise said this, she was eating red peppers dipped in ranch dressing, so I can't really take credit.

And finally, yesterday we got out a Uno Barn game that Elise got for her birthday. In the little barn, there were the directions to the game. I have NO idea where Elise learned this or why she associated these together, but she grabbed the game directions and yelled, "20 dollars for me!"

Here are a few pics from the snow and from the Super Bowl - even though the Colts didn't pull out a win, I had to post Elise's support of the Colts.

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Nana said...

I have to agree with you. . .I'm ready for Spring too!!! Elise makes an adorable Colts fan - Love the picture!!

Leslie Ober said...

Haha...SO sweet! I laughed out loud at the $20 for me comment! SO funny! :)

Judy said...
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Judy said...

She is growing up SO fast!! And getting more and more adorable! We can send you a WINNER'S shirt, if you'd like...she'd look pretty cute in it!

Love you guys!